2006-05-31 – dropline GNOME 2.14.2 Released

If you’ve been keeping upgraded with the installer, you are now running dropline GNOME 2.14.2. Otherwise, if you already have dropline installed, run the dropline-installer, and choose upgrade, you will be updated to dropline GNOME 2.14.2. For fresh installs please follow the instructions on our download page.


-The dropline GNOME Development Team

2006-04-24 – dropline GNOME 2.14.1 at Last!

After many hours of work getting the bugs out, 2.14.1 is finally available for download. We’ve really outdone ourselves this time, with a lot of new art from Silvestre Herrera (aka ertz) including the awesome new Yasis icon theme, along with the latest versions of all of the included applications, and a few our users suggested be included in this release.

As with mangnitude of such a release, we would not have done it if our users did not help with testing/finding bugs to make this release possible. Thanks to all of you in helping us!

To download, get the installer for Slackware 10.2 here:

An ISO will be available shortly as well.

-The dropline GNOME Development Team

2006-03-05 – dropline GNOME 2.12.3 Available

Updates for GNOME 2.12.3 have been available for the majority of the week, bringing in a total of 47 new packages. This is primarily just a minimalistic bugfix release. The upcoming 2.14.0 release will offer many more changes and improvements. Existing dropline GNOME 2.12 users may upgrade with ease, by using the “upgrade” feature from within the dropline-installer.

New users may find the latest installer (for Slackware 10.2) on our download page.