We stopped coming up with nicknames for our releases a few years ago, but figured that “dropline GNOME Forever” best describes 2.20.2 simply because of the extended amount of time that was taken in developing this release. But that’s okay, because it means that we spent even more time trying to fine-tune every little detail to make this the best GNOME desktop that you’ll find on Slackware (and we’d say just about anyhere else as well). Our goal is to make a GNOME desktop that “just works”!
dropline GNOME 2.20.2 is here! Existing 2.18.3 users (for Slackware 12.0) can upgrade their systems by upgrading to the latest installer and choosing the “upgrade” option. New users can install dropline GNOME 2.20.2 on Slackware 12.0 by following the instructions on the Download page.
As usual, our forums provide a great place to discuss new releases or talk about GNOME and Slackware. All users are welcome (and encouraged) to register.
-The dropline GNOME Development Team