dropline GNOME 3.10 – Released !

Hello to all.

It is been a long time from the BETA release to the final one, but hey, now we are there at the point where we can say the package set is ok and have no problems.

This release was possible due to the big effort and time invested from Mr. Eugen Wissner (aka Belka) who have done a really amazing job on the package set. Some small part of things were also fixed by me (aka saxa) and Bart Van Der Hall (aka Tyrael).

In this release as you could see we have a new way of install and update the packages. Those of you who follow us closely already know it, but for the ones you don’t, we are now using PackageKit which has a gtk interface also and you can update the packages with gnome-packagekit. There is still lots of work to be done on the installer. As it is right now it installs and upgrades packages, which is nothing less of how the previous ncurses installer worked.

This release will be mirrored and hosted on sourceforge.net and hopefully this will make the availability of the packages better for all the areas of the globe.

Get the installers from the links below:
i686 installer
x86-64 installer

Those are basically PackageKit packages with the install suffix to distinguish them from the normal package. The install process is as follows:
# installpkg PackageKit-0.8.17-i686-3dl_install.txz
# pkcon refresh force
# pkcon install dropline

All steps above have to be done as a root user. Bugs and all stuff related to development can be found on the sourceforge.net pages.

As a note, I would like to advise that the Forums are locked already a long time and since there were a lot of spam posts. We encourage you to use the bugs reporting forms on sf.net to report bugs and get help.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.10 – BETA Released !

Just as a quick note, we are announcing the BETA release of the Gnome 3.10 desktop for the Salckaware 14.1 both archs. The installer is the same one as for the alpha release. The set of packages it will download compose what the BETA version of dropline GNOME is.

Please report bugs and enter in contact with us if you wish to help the project.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.10 – ALPHA Released !

First of all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014 with full of health and happiness to all of you, I will start exercising with my new amazon exercise balls so hopefully I become much more healthy, and even though I don’t have much energy I will try to use the panax ginseng supplements! Our small gift for you is the new ALPHA release of our beloved gnome 3 desktop for Slackware 14.1.

Thanks to Mr. Eugen Wissner we have a fast release of the 3.10 version of gnome 3.

This is a special and very exciting release for us, because after so many years we have finally be able to update and simplify even more our install process.

This release is the first release to use the famous gnome 3 PackageKit tool to install on your Slackware distribution the gnome 3.10 desktop.

As this is still an ALPHA state release we do not encourage you to use it on a production machine, although it is very stable and complete.

Alpha state for us, as a development team means, that the desktop is compiled in all of its parts, but not yet fine tuned and bugs free. This is our next thing to be done on the road to make it stable and bugs free.

To install it please follow the few simple steps below:

1) Download the correct package of PackageKit for your architecture of Slackware 14.1 linux system.
for Slackware 14.1
for Slackware64 14.1

2) As root user issue the following commands:
# installpkg PackageKit-0.8.15_6111975-i686-1dl_install.txz
# installpkg PackageKit-0.8.15_6111975-x86_64-1dl_install.txz

3) Update the package reopsitory
# pkcon refresh force
4) Download and install the packages
# pkcon install dropline

After that some tweaks are needed to run the desktop, first of all make sure you have export LOCALE=en_US.UTF-8 un commented in your /etc/profile.d/lang.sh and change the run level to level 4 in the /etc/inittab.

With all that in place you should get the new dropline GNOME 3.10 Alpha desktop up and running.

Please report bugs on http://bugs.droplinegnome.org .

The dropline GNOME development team !

dropline GNOME 3.10 and downtime.

Hi to all, its a while since Slackware 14.1 has been released and thanks to our fellows Eugen and Bart we have already build up all the needed packages for the next version of the dropline GNOME release. The 3.10 packages will be soon available for testing with the installer.

In the upcoming 3.10 release we’ll have also a possibility for the more adventurous to try the packages of our desktop with systemd. Since Gnome is more and more pushing onto that direction, we think that sooner or later will have to include this part of software to our packages. Thanks to Mr. Bart, we have now a working desktop
of gnome 3.10 built on Slackware 14.1 with systemd. This is not meant that the final release will be with systemd but only as an option for who wants to help us with the development of the upcoming releases. We still have not defined nor decided if we will fight against systemd and loose some of the gnome functionality or if we will
simply adopt it for one of the next releases.

As a third thing, also Wayland is being tested for the upcoming releases.

Lastly, we wish sorry for the downtimes we had those days, but this was due to moving the domain from one account to another and we were forced to redo all the suff up from scratch. With this we hope now to unify a bit more our development tools and have everything easily accessible.

Stay tuned and if you wish step in to give us a hand with the development as there is lots of different fields one can contribute with.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.8 – Released !

Hello all.

Its been a while since we are in RC state and I think due to a new Slackware 14.1 release
and due to great effort from Bart and Eugene, it is no much sense to keep this release
back and we release the dropline GNOME 3.8 desktop for Slackware 14.0 OS.

It has some nice improvements in sense of speed and stability over what was gnome 3.6.

Not much to say about that release as it is a direct upgrade for all of you like me still
on slackware 14.0 and dropline gnome 3.6.

More details can be found on the sf.net wiki page on the below link:


The installers for both archs we support are:

i686 installer:

x86-64 installer:

Thanks for supporting us, using out desktop, and looking forward for the next upcoming dropline gnome 3.10 release for slackware 14.1 🙂

The dropline GNOME development team !

dropline GNOME 3.8 RC1 released !

Hi, today after some time we have built some new updates from gnome and
with this set of updates we want to call this what we have right now also
the first Release Candidate. It is a while since we get any updates and the things
are really stable and no much problems are reported. there are some issues still
which we will try to fix up.

This is it for now, get the installers from the usual places and please report
any issues you find.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.8 BETA – Released !

Hi, with the latest updates we released yesterday, we are declaring this package set as it is of now as a BETA release.
Thanks for using it and please report problems if you encounter them.

Please re-run dropline-installer and get the latest updates.

The dropline GNOME development team.


There is a new version of the dropline-installer, so please get it from here:



dropline GNOME 3.8 ALPHA released !

Hello all !

Its been a while since we lastly posted something. We have been working on the 3.8 release.
This said, now we are ready to release a direct upgrade to the dropline GNOME 3.6 release
for Slackware 14.0 both archs. To not make a short story long I invite you to check more
details about this on our sourceforge.net wiki page.
On this page you will be able to find more detailed information on what has changed.

Although we usually do an alpha release quite stable it does not mean is bug free, this means
that we are counting on your help also to get us that non working stuff sorted out
and help create a final stable release.

You can get the installers from the following locations:



The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.8 approaching ALPHA state shortly.

Hi to all.

Its been quiet for some time here, but this doesn’t mean we have not done anything. The good news are that we have up to now, nearly all the needed stuff built up. This means that except for some packages which need python3 and some others which are a bit more complicated to understand why they want to work , we are going forward to the ALPHA state.

Up to now we have nearly all things in place. There are both installers for i686 and x86_64 architectures ready. You can get them from here. For now this will install all the packages and give you a quite working gnome 3.8 desktop. There are many issues we are fixing and a lots of new packages from gnome 3.8.3 which need to be updated yet.

Despite that, the desktop is quite stable and usable. If you wish to help us, please do not hesitate to enter in touch with us on the various channels we have.
You can also fill up tickets at our sourceforge.net page and help us develop and build a better desktop.

If you are in the graphics or arts area, we also need your help. To say it better, the project is big, and there is plenty of space for anybody and any kind of work somebody wish to help with.

For more details on what is going on, and what needs to be done, check it out here.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.8 work in progress.

Hey all, as the title says it, we have started the work for the next major release, dropline GNOME 3.8 ! In fact a good progress until now is that we basically have all packages ready and will soon prepare an dropline installer for the ALPHA release of 3.8. This means that we will simply upgrade your dropline GNOME 3.6 install to the newest dropline GNOME 3.8 when it is ready.

Of course you will not be forced to upgrade, but if you will it, it will be as simple as downloading the new installer and run it. The release is target for Slackware and Slackware64 version 14.0 !

That’s all folks !

the dropline GNOME development team !