Hi to all of you who are interested in our work ! If you think that we are stopped you are wrong. There is some people working on the upcoming release for dropline GNOME 2.28 desktop. We all know that gnome has released their 2.28 version of the desktop tarballs and we are trying to bring it to you as fast as possible.
Personally I’m very busy with my work and since we have just few people now in the team we always need help on building the desktop. If you are one of this persons who has enough time, forces and knowledge, please don’t worry to step into the #dropline channel on irc.freenode.net and ask for how you can help. There will for sure be somebody who will be able to answer you and direct you in the right direction. Don’t worry if you doesn’t receive your answer immediately , this is because all of the people in the channel are from different places of the world and with different time zones. So maybe they are slipping at the time you ask. Also you can subscribe to our development mailing list, and post your questions in there. Forums are also up and running and if somebody likes to use them you are free to do it.
Anyway, the development is going on , and if you look at our wiki you can see the progress of the work. Also you can check the ChangeLog from our svn or look at it on our web page. For sure is one thing, we will release the dropline GNOME 2.28 and make it even better of what we did with our 2.26 release. Our policy is not to hurry and not to release what can be a dangerous or not well tested desktop.
Again thanks to all of you guys taking the thing into your hands and building stuff.
– The dropline GNOME Development Team.