Forums restored.

Ok, I took some time today to checkout what happened with the forums, and it seems that there somebody in some way overwrote the database servers address. This was most probably done by some of those spammers. Anyway, the logs seem clean and I do not have much time to look around what happened. I simply upgraded the forums and backup-ed the database.
This in per se means that we should be fine for some time, but since the forums are pretty inactive I keep them there still just because of a lot of information in it.

Said that, I would like to make a note, I will be deleting and banning every user which will seem a spammer , this is because its less time for me to remove a user than to restore the forums.
This means that I can do some mistakes also, and if so please contact us and we will give you access if you were removed by mistake.

– The dropline GNOME development team.