With just a few outstanding issues at-hand, we’re still working on finding ways to work around Slackware-specific issues without resorting to having to replace a few Slackware packages that are preventing a “complete” release. That said, the 2.18.3 release is quite stable and ready for the majority of users. Most of the remaining issues *have* solutions, but they all involve replacing Slackware packages to solve them (NetworkManager, for instance, would still need a DHCP rebuild). Note that this is what people have asked for, so this is what is holding up a final release, and we don’t think that it’s fair to call something “complete” when we still feel that there are small things to take care of. It’s just that these bugs have held us up for weeks now, and users are getting tired of waiting for us to call this release complete.
If these minor issues are not of importance, we’d suggest that all users make the transition to 2.18.3 on Slackware 12.0.
Outstanding Issues:
1. Metacity windows may minimize a bit slowly due a a bug in Slackware’s libX11. Solution – Update LibX11. We may be providing an extra package for those who are affected by this bug.
2. NetworkManager does not work. Solution – Rebuild Slackware’s DHCP package, or fall back to the version that we included in 2.16. We are investigation its inclusion again for 2.18. (EDIT – We’ve come up with a workaround and this is now working.)
3. A handful of icons do not display for some apps. Solution – Update Slackware’s dated hicolor-icon-theme package. Alternately, we can probably patch the affected packages to use different icons instead.
4. System-tools-backends do not work. (EDIT – Fixed! Thanks to Saxa, Juice, and Stik for their work on this!)
Additional notes may be found in the following forum thread:
-The dropline GNOME Development Team