dropline GNOME 3.10 and downtime.

Hi to all, its a while since Slackware 14.1 has been released and thanks to our fellows Eugen and Bart we have already build up all the needed packages for the next version of the dropline GNOME release. The 3.10 packages will be soon available for testing with the installer.

In the upcoming 3.10 release we’ll have also a possibility for the more adventurous to try the packages of our desktop with systemd. Since Gnome is more and more pushing onto that direction, we think that sooner or later will have to include this part of software to our packages. Thanks to Mr. Bart, we have now a working desktop
of gnome 3.10 built on Slackware 14.1 with systemd. This is not meant that the final release will be with systemd but only as an option for who wants to help us with the development of the upcoming releases. We still have not defined nor decided if we will fight against systemd and loose some of the gnome functionality or if we will
simply adopt it for one of the next releases.

As a third thing, also Wayland is being tested for the upcoming releases.

Lastly, we wish sorry for the downtimes we had those days, but this was due to moving the domain from one account to another and we were forced to redo all the suff up from scratch. With this we hope now to unify a bit more our development tools and have everything easily accessible.

Stay tuned and if you wish step in to give us a hand with the development as there is lots of different fields one can contribute with.

The dropline GNOME development team.