New web site theme

Heya all, its a long time since we had this old theme made by our old friend Silvestre Herrera from Argentina, but due to not being able to use it with the latest php and other stuff required here , i decided to change it and use a maybe more modern and fresh look. This is something really I had done nothing more than selecting a new theme and addad an image. But yeah, lets live with it for some time, and who knows somebody shows up and want to update it or propose an better option, feel free.

So I will be working on improving it a bit in my spare time and hopfully I get back all the menus and functionalities of the previous nicely made theme. Thanks Silvestre !!!

Files of the packages continue where they were, so if you need them click here.

dropline GNOME 3.38 – cooking

Heya, its been quite some time, since I wrote anything. I hope and wish all of you are well and safe in this pandemic times. So, today the GNOME team released the version 3.38 of our beloved desktop environment and sine the times permit we have now a direct upgrade of the testing version of dropline GNOME 3.36.6 , while it is still in development the
instructions to install and test are the following:

1. Install slackware64-current full install.
2. Download the packages for dropline GNOME 3.36 from here including the unsuported directory in the repo.
3. Install all those packages you downloaded.
4. Download the packages for dropline GNOME 3.38 from here.
5. Upgradepkg the 3.36 packages you installed and pay special attention to the libhandy0 package as it was renamed from libhandy to libhandy0 since it is installable in parallel.

It should mostly be it, but in case you miss anything you can get in touch with me on LQ thread or in #dropline on .

Some packages are still on the works and some we wait that Slackware team will update them.
Many thanks to the Slackware Team as we have a really up to date current tree.


dropline GNOME 3.36 in the works

Heya all, it was a long period for something to appear here, lots of stuff going on in the world and I hope that all of you are ok due to the situation we all are going through right now. Anyway, this project is still active and hopefully we have soon a new release with the latest gnome available for our beloved Slackware OS.

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I can not affirm how long it will take but the target is the upcoming Slackware 15.

For now if somebody has the will to test and help making a nice dropline GNOME release you can get the *TESTING* packages for x86_64 arch here.

Due to a very nice work made by the Slackware team we have only
few packages replaced right now (udisks2 and upower) and some have to be added (elogind).

If you want to reach me out please comment on in the #dropline channel or send a mail to the dev mailing list on or on Slackware forums.

So all in all it is coming out nicely.

Enjoy !

dropline GNOME 3.20 – Released

Basically is a Happy New Year 2018 to all of you out there.

With this date just to make it official I want to release also the stable dropline GNOME 3.20 release.
It is stable a long time already and its a pity have not been released earlier as final. But luck
of my time to develop and check. But I am using it for about a long time without any problems,
installed it few times on various machines with PackageKit (i686) or PackageKit (x86-64) and all went ok. Therefore here it is.

See the install options in the RC1 release post and let me know whatever does not work for you.

Again, enjoy the holidays and Happy New Year 2018 with a long live Slackware and hopefully a new
dropline release shortly !

the dropline GNOME development team

dropline GNOME 3.20 – RC1 Released


Heya all, we got it done quite well. I know it is time for gnome releasing version 3.22 these days, but we are on version 3.20, and to be honest already quite some time. A lot of people is asking where to find files and how to install them. So let me explain whats on.
To install the packages you need for dropline gnome 3.20 there is no installer at the moment. My bad but my time is scarce and I really do have a lot of other priorities in my life more important than dropline gnome. But I still will be maintaining and releasing dropline gnome until I will be able to do it. Initially it was meant to install dropline gnome with PackageKit, but for some reason it does not work with the latest releases and therefore we will have to install it the old Slackware way from a command line. Procedure is simple and as follows:

1. Download the packages for your Slackware version, dropline gnome 3.20 is for Slackware 14.2 and get them here:
2. As root user cd into the directory where you downloaded the packages.
3. As root user issue the following command:

# upgradepkg --install-new *.txz

4. Edit the /etc/profile.d/

# vi /etc/profile.d/

And set the language to be UTF-8 by uncomment out the following line.

export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

5. At this point you should be set up correctly and could issue a startx command from the user login.
At the moment we do supply GDM but it is not working yet, therefore is better to start the gnome desktop with startx command. Also it is advisable to logout from your user before you do a startx, a reboot is not needed.

If you ever need to uninstall the dropline gnome packages, please REMEMBER to reinstall the Slackware original shadow package, as by uninstalling the pam packages you will end up with a non working system. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !

So just to finish, I will try to release this final release in the next days, depending on the time availability, and then we will most probably do a direct upgrade to the gnome 3.22 desktop if it will be possible.

Enjoy and don’t forget to report problems.

Sasa Ostrouska

dropline GNOME 3.20 updates

Heya all, I would like to inform that I’m still working on the set of packages, and that shortly I should have all of them built up. After that I will release the installer. For now I can tell that lots of stuff have been updated to gnome 3.20.1 and many things started to work by themselves as expected.

Right now the work has been concentrated to get all stuff built and its not missing a lot. I have also started to work on GDM so we can finally have it working as expected. GDM is an older version as this is the one which not requires systemd. So we will stick with that one.

I will launch here an request for help with the new default GDM wallpaper for dropline GNOME, anybody interested in doing it ?
If yes, please contact us.

Screenshot from 2016-04-24 22-31-54

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.20 is coming

Hello, first of all apologies for the long time no posting anything in here. Life goes on busy and therefore hobbies are a left a bit aside.
I take this opportunity also to wish you all my best wishes for the new year and Easter holidays. Project still moves on step by step but I want to make clear that for sure it does not have the same speed as it had in the past. Reasons ? Many of them, first one “horse power” or better lack of developers, organizational issues and so on…..

To make the things a bit more interesting I want to tell you that I have been working last few weeks on the dropline GNOME 3.20 packages, and that up to now I have some important result. Right now I’m writing this from the future dropline GNOME 3.20 desktop. It is still just a early development pre-alpha packages and available for for what will shortly become slackware 14.2 . So to be clear, right now I have gnome-shell up and running bot only from another XFCE session started with the gnome-shell –replace from an xfce terminal.

To tell the truth it is difficult to say right now what exactly will be in this release, but we can say that it will be a release which
will have no systemd, no wayland and all the PAM stuff we always shipped. GDM right now is an 3.16.x series which is not working but its the one I have been able to build without systemd. Wayland from the other side does not seem a big issue, as from what I can see right now it seems to work. Maybe for the release we have to add it later for some reason, but we will be able to decide that probably at the time. For now I will say we will not include it.

It is still too early to tell how things will evolve, but here we are and I work on it. The installing method will be the same we used last time, so PackageKit. For other things I have no idea on how it will evolve.

I want also to thank very vey much PV and the Slackware team to have made the super upcoming release with Pulse Audio and a lot of updated dependencies which right now smells a lot lot less of work for us here.

Here are some screenshots for you , and remember if you want to help, you are very welcome. To contact with me probably the best way is to
subscribe to the dropline-gnome-devel mailing list on Sourceforge project page, or if you want you can check if you see me available in the
#dropline channel on .

Thats it, enjoy and hopefully we have a nice new release for the time of Slackware 14.2 !

The dropline GNOME development team.

Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-00-10 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 22-59-57 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-24-38 Captura de tela de 2016-03-28 23-26-30

dropline GNOME 3.14 – BETA released !


Hi all, I have here some new installers for what we should call dropline 3.14 beta release, just a warning, this is not an online game, if you want to know about the skin creator’s lucrative career you have to go to

Get them from here:


Basically those installers are built on a clean Slackware 14.1 system.

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.14 – ALPHA released !

Hi, it is quite a long time since we had a working 3.14 gnome desktop on Slackware, it was nearly when gnome 3.14 was released. Unfortunately we have not been able to do that faster, but yeah better later than never. So here is a quick announcement of the dropline GNOME 3.14 Alpha release. To install it you will need Slackware 14.1 with all the official updates installed.

Grab the installers from here:


After that install the package with installpkg and as root issue:

# pkcon refresh force
# pkcon install dropline

Remember this is still considered ALPHA so it maybe can not work right out of the box.

For people who want to upgrade from dropline GNOME 3.10 it should work in the same way as a normal install, just upgrade the PAckageKit package or if you prefer update the Mirror and IndexFile fields in /etc/PackageKit/Katja.conf .

On 32bit put in Katja.conf:

On 64bit put in Katja.conf:

Who will be upgrading for now have to reinstall some slackware packages, those are:


That’s it. Enjoy and don’t forget to report bugs. It will be a nice time filler for the holidays.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2015 to all of you !

The dropline GNOME development team.

dropline GNOME 3.14 – Testing packages and work in progress

Hello to all, its a long time since we had something new in here, but yeah, as the subject says it all, we have a good part of work done. This time we have been able to do it faster due to have got lots of scripts in place, many thanks go to Mr. John Truex aka apolluwn and to our old friend Dagmar.

For now we have only a testing set of packages which are built for Slackware64-14.1. If you want to help us out don’t hesitate to contact us on the mailing list or in the #dropline channel.

Here is a screenshot for some appetite.

desktop 3.14

The dropline GNOME development team.